We know there’s a lot to unpack in that simple statement, so here goes!
Wayward Distillery donates 1% of spirit sales to the protection and promotion of bees and pollinators. Our relationship with Pollinator Partnership Canada (recipients of the 1%) allows us to expand our influence and impact in the world of bees through their community programs, stewardship certifications, and school-based garden projects (just to name some of their initiatives). We need pollinators for healthy and robust agriculture, forests, and ecosystems. No bees, no food.
Onsite at the Distillery, we have four demonstration honeybee hives, lovingly cared for by Rachel from Homegrown Bee! We encourage you to visit us and learn about these hardworking, beautiful creatures. And, as the first distillery in Canada to ferment and distill honey into spirits, we have a long and mutually beneficial relationship with our partner apiary, who have grown their hive numbers as Wayward has grown. And with our expanding spirit selections (we get thirsty for new things too!), we’re collaborating with numerous farmers growing everything from grains to apples to lavender to keep our values at the forefront of our operations.
We’re part of a movement that aligns ethically-sound food and beverage consumption with delightfully delicious spirits. We want you to #beeunruly AND feel good about where you’re spending your dollars. Craft Distilleries in BC must use BC agricultural products as their base (and why wouldn’t we?!? BC growers offer an abundance of delicious honeys and grains and grapes for us alcohol makers to experiment with), which is one of the reasons you’ll find us at select BC Farmers Markets, alongside local growers and producers.
As you raise a glass of Krupnik, Drunken Hive Rum, Depth Charge, Unruly Gin, or Unruly Vodka, we encourage you to give a nod to the hardworking bees and farmers who helped us bring the spirits to you. We can all be part of ethical and Unruly alcohol consumption. Drink Wayward. Save Bees.